About Us
About the Clinic
We at Arola Chiropractic & Acupuncture are dedicated to empowering the lives of every person in our community. We will strive diligently to not only alleviate the suffering, but also to increase the capabilities of each and every patient that we serve.
We adhere to the principle that Optimum Health is a Keystone to successful living. We will provide each patient the necessary assessment, treatment, advice and counseling to achieve the goal of Optimum Health.
At Arola Chiropractic & Acupuncture, we understand that empowering and enhancing the lives of our patients will also positively affect the lives of their friends, family and the Greater Community.
Welcome to Arola Chiropractic & Acupuncture where:
"Your Health Is Our Goal!"
Meet Dr. Ken Arola
Hello! I am Dr. Arola. I am a graduate of Texas Chiropractic College. I also attended Houston Community College and the University of Houston for my undergraduate requirements.
I first came to Beaumont in November of 2006, and began practicing as an Associate Chiropractor.
Through the years I have witnessed increased health, increased vitality and some near-miraculous recoveries of the patients in my office. I have seen dull, pain-filled eyes become beacons of vitality and energy. I feel privileged to be a facilitator in releasing the healing powers of the Human Body.
Based on the simple fact that the nervous system controls and/or influences every function of every cell in the human body, chiropractic has allowed me to help many people become free of nerve impingements that result from Spinal Subluxation Complex which has weakened their function and caused them to have pain. I also provide acupuncture in my clinic. Acupuncture is a Chinese healing Art that has existed for over 5,000 years.
Please know that within each and every one of you, there is an innate power to self-heal and to self-regulate. When that power becomes weakened by trauma, repetitive stress and poor health choices, I welcome the opportunity to facilitate the recovery of your vitality and energy. If you feel that you are relatively healthy, but you want to increase and/or maintain your capabilities, you are the perfect Chiropractic patient.
It is my goal as a Chiropractor to help increase and maintain the Health and Well-being of each and every person that I am privileged to treat. I look forward to meeting you and becoming part of the recovery and maintenance of the Energy and Vitality that is inside us all.